TM management

Don’t hurry to throw away your previous translation, because we can reuse them and make something useful for you! For example, translation memories. And help you with TM management.

Translation memory is a file that contains source language files and their translations. Translation memories save up much time and money because only one click and some translation changes take to make a good translation.

Our experts perform the following roles:

  1. they save your previous translation in our reliable database;
  2. when you need to create a TM, they reuse your previous translations and make a file with  TM, according to source or target language as well as the field of expertise;
  3. they work with different document formats;
  4. When you no longer use TM, we can update it according to your preferences

Create your own TM, and you will ease the work for translators and provide high-quality consistent translations. Perfect TM management allow you to save your time and other recources.

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