The Professional Development Of The Employees

The professionals do not stand still but continue developing their professional qualities. There are many ways to do it. Our team is not an exception. We are trying to go with the times and technology, learn more about CAT-tools and needs of our clients.

We attend webinars and courses which are very helpful for our company’s development. For example, the team organized a webinar for medical translators “The ABCs of Medical Translation: Strategies to Identify, Translate and Manage Acronyms and Abbreviations”. We learnt more about tendencies in medical translation and figured out more about acronyms and abbreviations.

We finished LinkedIn Marketing courses for the successful promotion of translation services. Such courses helped us decide the marketing strategy for promoting medical translation services and move forward to achieve your and our goals.

Besides, we love reading! We don’t skip time to do it, especially if it is a professional magazine or book. One interesting source of translation industry knowledge is the Slator. The Slator is a language provider of news about events, meetings, researches about the translation industry.

As you can see, we are versatile professionals and ready to grow in a professional way as well as our company! We love our job, that is why our services are of the best quality!

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