TE For Patient Medical Education Website

A project that helps healthcare providers educate their patients to learn about medications and how to take them properly.

The client requested the services of translating and editing the text from English to Russian. The difficulty was that, on the one hand, the translation of the text required a subject area specialist — pharmaceuticals and medicine. On the other hand, the translated text should be well understood, patient-focused; it should not contain specific complex medical terminology. In addition, the information received was planned for publication in the web-based interface, so the target sentences should be approximately equal in length to the source sentences, and this is despite the fact that Russian is on average 30 % more “voluminous” than English. In short, the translation should be simple and short.


The team for this project included a linguist as a translator and a healthcare provider as an editor and medical expert. The linguist translated and formed a fairly simple and concise style of the text, and the healthcare provider edited the text and added brevity to it. We had time to complete the project, that is why in order to improve the quality we added a couple of iterations where the editor’s comments were sent back and forth to the translator.

As a result, we have an accurately translated text. The text is short and well understood. This can be confirmed by the fact that the client accepted the text without modifications the first time and published it on their website. As a result of providing services, the website’s audience immediately increased, which led to an increase in the client’s users.

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