Linguistic Services For NGOs

Turn your local goals into global ones. NGOs, Join us to spread ideas throughout the world. World message for all people The world is rapidly changing and in some way, we do not have time for these changes. The majority of changes have a positive impact on earth’s inhabitants, but there are few that worse […]
Language Technology Atlas: the Definite Map to Language Technology

Nimdzi issued Language Technology Atlas – a useful source to orient and surfing in the world of tools for translations and the localization industry. By the way, they update it annually. URL:
Why Linguistic Validation is important in Medical Translation?

Before starting let us consider the definition of linguistic validation. Linguistic validation is a composition of processes of checking the translation for accuracy, compatibility, design, fluency, internationalization, style, terminology, verity, locale convention, and validation by a professional in this field. Linguistic validation is widely used in medical translation, especially in clinical trials. Where Can You […]
Types of Life Sciences translation

What is Life Sciences? Life Sciences are those branches of sciences that deal with studying living beings — from microorganisms to human beings. We notice that most translation agencies use the Life Sciences field as only Medical one. We think it is not correct, because the medical field is mostly associated with studying human beings. […]
Machine Translation in Medicine and Life Sciences

Machine translation is taking over the world of translation because it facilitates the translator’s work in addition to increased translation quality and automatization. And we use machine translationforo most domains like Legal, Marketing, Technica, etcc. And can we use machine translation clinical trials? But can MT be applied to Medicine and Life Sciences? Why not! Medicine […]
Types Of Medical Translation

When you are thinking of medical translation, you probably imagine only the translation of a patient’s medical records or instructions for drug products. We can say it is a true statement, but not a correct one. Medical translation is more complicated than you think. It is like a tree: with a number of branches. Let […]
MTPE Pricing

The MTPE becomes the newest player in the language industry as it boosts the translator’s work. But it surely cannot replace humans — it may not be used in some fields of expertise and with some language pairs. On the whole, MTPE services will be wildly used as time doesn’t stand still. As it has […]
Whom to choose for your translation services: LSP translation vs Freelance translator

Projects in your business need to be translated, but you are not sure who addressed them. This article will surely help you make decisions. When choosing a language service provider (LSP translation) or freelance translator there are certainly many pros on both sides. Let us consider them in detail. Freelance Translator Edition You reach a […]
Reviewing Across CAT-tool

There are many CAT-tools in the translation services you can find now: MemSource, MemoQ, SDL Trados and etc. For some translators, it is easy to use them, for others — it is difficult or unnecessary. Let me introduce Across CAT-tool — the new product in the CAT-tool market. The creator of the Across CAT-tool is […]